Upcoming Events

Please take a look at our calendar for our upcoming events select an event to get more details.


Neighborhood Preparedness Workshop

Attend our complimentary disaster response training workshops that cover topics such as lifesaving first aid techniques, neighborhood damage assessment procedures, readiness for homeowners and renter’s insurance policies, and other essential aspects related to whole community preparedness.

Our FREE Neighborhood Preparedness Workshops will be hand-on and last approximately 2 & 1/2 hours.

Topics will include:

  • Key Speaker Kat Greer of Legal Services of North Florida will be discussing:

    • How your family can be ready and take productive actions before, during, and after a disaster.

    • Legal knowledge needed and how to communicate to everyone affected.

    • Get Connected and Get help!

If this sounds like something that you or others would be interested in, please sign up by clicking the “Sign Up Now!” button.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Citizen Corps Coordinator Esther Barnes at citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org or call (850) 739-3977.

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Girl Scouts Disaster Information Tabling

  • Vince J. Whibbs Sr. Community Maritime Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Attention all BRACE Volunteers!

BRACE will be hosting a disaster awareness table at Maritime Park and need your help to interact with Girl Scout groups as they cycle through our booth!

Girl Scouts will have the opportunity to:

  • Play games on our interactive disaster wall

  • Answer disaster preparedness trivia

  • Observe proper CERT mobility techniques

  • Receive information on FREE training classes from BRACE

  • Receive disaster preparedness handouts

Volunteers will be needed for each station!

If you are interested in participating in this event, please contact Teen Training Coordinator Carolyn Gray at (850) 739-3976 or teentrainingcoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Neighborhood Preparedness Workshop

Attend our complimentary disaster response training workshops that cover topics such as lifesaving first aid techniques, neighborhood damage assessment procedures, readiness for homeowners and renter’s insurance policies, and other essential aspects related to whole community preparedness.

Our FREE Neighborhood Preparedness Workshops will be hand-on and last approximately 2 & 1/2 hours.

Topics will include:

  • Neighborhood Damage Assessment, Sheltering in Place, Emergency Sheltering and Special Needs

  • Mapping of your Neighborhood

  • Importance of having a Neighborhood Response Team

If this sounds like something that you or others would be interested in, please sign up by clicking the “Sign Up Now!” button.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Esther Barnes at citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org or call (850) 739-3977.

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CERT Monthly Training

Attention Escambia County CERT!

Attention Escambia County CERT!

Please join our virtual CERT monthly Training!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 9027 5362

This month’s training will be covering: Be Prepared When Disaster Strikes

Topics include:

  • The importance of All Hazard Preparedness

  • How to Complete a Risk Assessment  

  • Understanding Hurricanes and their Impact

  • The role of CERT Volunteers in a Hurricane

  • CERT Readiness for Hurricane Season

  • Review of CERT Protocols during Hurricanes

  • Safety Measures for Volunteers during Activations

  • Coordination with Local Emergency Management

  • Levels of Service & Activation Roster

For any questions or concerns, please contact Citizen Corps Coordinator Esther Barnes at (850) 739-3977 or citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Fire Corps Monthly Training

Attention Pensacola Fire Corps!

Please join our Zoom Fire Corps monthly meeting!

This month’s training will be covering extended topics of the Fire Corps program.

Join using the link below:

Meeting ID: 821 1188 3158

For any questions or concerns, please contact Citizen Corps Coordinator Esther Barnes at (850) 739-3977 or citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Fire Corps Training - Class 2 of 2

Become a volunteer Fire Corps member today! You can help a firefighter during a fire.

Updated Schedule!

  • Feb. 20th, Orientation 6 to 7 p.m.

  • Feb. 22nd, Zoom Lecture 6 to 9 p.m.

  • Feb. 24th, Hands-on training and active fire simulation 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Practical medical triage

  • Smoke inhalation treatment

  • Setting Up Hydration Stations

  • Training includes active fire simulation

    Orientation and hands-on training will be held at 150 W. Maxwell St. This class is open to adults 18 and older. Attendance is required for both the Feb. 22nd Zoom lecture and 24th hands-on classes. Please sign up for the Zoom Lecture and Hands-on training. *Because the schedule has been updated, if you cannot attend the orientation, please contact us.

This class is open to adults 18 and older. Attendance is required for both classes. Sign up using the button below!

For any questions or concerns, please contact Citizen Corps Coordinator Esther Barnes at (850) 739 - 3977 or citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Fire Corps Training - Class 1 of 2

Become a volunteer Fire Corps member today! You can help a firefighter during a fire.

Updated Schedule!

  • Feb. 20th, Orientation 6 to 7 p.m.

  • Feb. 22nd, Zoom Lecture 6 to 9 p.m.

  • Feb. 24th, Hands-on training and active fire simulation 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Practical medical triage

  • Smoke inhalation treatment

  • Setting Up Hydration Stations

  • Training includes active fire simulation

    Orientation and hands-on training will be held at 150 W. Maxwell St. This class is open to adults 18 and older. Attendance is required for both the Feb. 22nd Zoom lecture and 24th hands-on classes. Please sign up for the Zoom Lecture and Hands-on training. *Because the schedule has been updated, if you cannot attend the orientation, please contact us.

This class is open to adults 18 and older. Attendance is required for both classes. Sign up using the button below!

For any questions or concerns, please contact Citizen Corps Coordinator Esther Barnes at (850) 739 - 3977 or citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org

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CERT Monthly Training

Attention Escambia County CERT!

Please join our in-person CERT monthly meeting!

This month’s training will be asking the question, “What is in Your CERT Bag?” and a Q&A with your CERT Council!

For any questions or concerns, please contact Training Coordinator Elizabeth Voytko at (850) 739-3978 or trainingcoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Fire Corps Training - Orientation

Become a volunteer Fire Corps member today! You can help a firefighter during a fire.

Updated Schedule!

  • Feb. 20th, Orientation 6 to 7 p.m.

  • Feb. 22nd, Zoom Lecture 6 to 9 p.m.

  • Feb. 24th, Hands-on training and active fire simulation 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Practical medical triage

  • Smoke inhalation treatment

  • Setting Up Hydration Stations

  • Training includes active fire simulation

    Orientation and hands-on training will be held at 150 W. Maxwell St. This class is open to adults 18 and older. Attendance is required for both the Feb. 22nd Zoom lecture and 24th hands-on classes. Please sign up for the Zoom Lecture and Hands-on training. *Because the schedule has been updated, if you cannot attend the orientation, please contact us.

This class is open to adults 18 and older. Attendance is required for both classes. Sign up using the button below!

For any questions or concerns, please contact Citizen Corps Coordinator Esther Barnes at (850) 739 - 3977 or citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Partner Opportunity: Wonders of World - Point of Distribution

  • Across from Myrtle Grove Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Attention all BRACE Volunteers!

Please join us as we partner with Wonders of the World Ministry. This is your opportunity to give back to the community and meet a fellow neighbor.

Volunteers will sort items, build and pack boxes of food, hand out disaster information, and distribute food via the food distribution drive-through.

If you are a CERT member, please arrive in your CERT shirt or vest.

If you would like to participate for this opportunity, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Mia Barnes at (850) 739-3979 or volunteercoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Teen CERT Meeting

Attention all Escambia Teen CERTS!

Please join us for our monthly meeting on Zoom from 6-7 PM.

Topic to be announced soon!

Join the Zoom Meeting by using the link below.


Meeting ID: 863 5518 0007

Want to find out more about CERT? Click here!

For any questions or concerns, please contact Teen Training Coordinator Carolyn Gray at (850) 739-3976 or teentrainingcoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Teen CERT Meeting

Attention all Escambia Teen CERTS!

Please join us for our monthly meeting on Zoom from 6 - 7 PM.

We will be discussing all of the ways & upcoming opportunities for Teen CERT members to get involved in the upcoming months! Exciting projects coming our way!

Join the Zoom Meeting by using the link below.


Meeting ID: 846 4324 1598

Want to find out more about CERT? Click here!

For any questions or concerns, please contact Teen Training Coordinator Carolyn Gray at (850) 739-3976 or teentrainingcoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Red Cross Shelter Training

  • Marie K Young Wedgewood Community Center & Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Attention all BRACE Volunteers!

Are you interested in becoming a Shelter Service Volunteer?

Shelter Service Volunteers help by staffing in different areas such as:

  • Reception

  • Registration

  • Feeding

  • Dormitory

  • Information Collection

  • And other vital tasks

Train now with us so you can answer the call when the community needs you the most!

To register for this training, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Mia Barnes at (850) 739 - 3979 or volunteercoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Neighborhood Preparedness Workshop

Attend our complimentary disaster response training workshops that cover topics such as lifesaving first aid techniques, neighborhood damage assessment procedures, readiness for homeowners and renter’s insurance policies, and other essential aspects related to whole community preparedness.

Our FREE Neighborhood Preparedness Workshops will be hand-on and last approximately 2 & 1/2 hours.

Topics will include:

If this sounds like something that you or others would be interested in, please sign up by clicking the “Sign Up Now!” button.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Esther Barnes at citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org or call (850) 739-3977.

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CERT Monthly Training

Attention Escambia County CERT!

Please join us for our monthly meeting on Zoom from 6 - 7 PM.

This monthly training will cover how CERT members can effectively help individuals with autism during disasters.

Join the Zoom Meeting by using the link below.


Meeting ID: 872 6122 7300

Want to find out more about CERT? Click here!

For any questions or concerns, please contact Training Coordinator Elizabeth Voytko at (850) 739-3978 or trainingcoord@bereadyalliance.org

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Partner Opportunity: Mayfield Community Food Drive

Attention all BRACE Volunteers!

Please join us as we partner with the Mayfield Community Center. This is your opportunity to give back to the Mayfield community and meet a fellow neighbor.

Volunteers will pack boxes of food, hand out disaster information, and distribute water to the Mayfield community.

If you would like to participate for this opportunity, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Mia Barnes at (850) 739-3979 or volunteercoord@bereadyalliance.org

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CERT Training - Class 6 of 6

CERT Training - Class 6 of 6

Practical Exam, Disaster Simulation, & Graduation

Join the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in Escambia County.  Mark your Calendars for a FREE CERT Training on February 3 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

This is one of the six required CERT Training classes. Participants must attend all six classes to receive a certification.

Seats are filling up fast, so make sure to sign up now! Click the “Sign Up” button below!

Please email trainingcoord@BeReadyAlliance.org or call (850) 739-3977 for any inquiries or questions.

Want to find out more about the Community Emergency Response Team? Click here!

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Neighborhood Preparedness Workshop

Attend our complimentary disaster response training workshops that cover topics such as lifesaving first aid techniques, neighborhood damage assessment procedures, readiness for homeowners and renter’s insurance policies, and other essential aspects related to whole community preparedness.

Our FREE Neighborhood Preparedness Workshops will be hand-on and last approximately 2 & 1/2 hours.

Topics will include:

  • You Are the Help Until Help Arrives - Taught by Kelly Banks of the American Red Cross of North Florida

    • In our area, natural disasters, such as hurricanes, are an undeniable fact of life. After a major disaster, emergency personnel may not be able to respond to everyone's needs immediately. This 2.5-hour hands-on class is designed to provide the general public with the basic yet critical skills that can be used during a life-threatening emergency until EMS arrives. In this course you will learn how to:

      Act with Confidence: Learn compression-only CPR (no breaths) to save or sustain a life.

      Understand AED basics: Gain knowledge on where to find and how to use an AED.

      Identify and treat a choking incident: Quickly recognize a choking situation and learn what you can do to help.

      Proper treatment for life-threatening bleeding: Learn how to use pressure to stop bleeding as well as how to use a tourniquet and proper treatment after the bleeding stops.

      Respond to an overdose: Understand how to administer naloxone in an opioid overdose.

If this sounds like something that you or others would be interested in, please sign up by clicking the “Sign Up Now!” button.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Esther Barnes at citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org or call (850) 739-3977.

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CERT Training - Class 5 of 6

CERT Training - Class 5 of 6

Light Search and Rescue Operations & Terrorism

Join the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in Escambia County.  Mark your Calendars for a FREE CERT Training on February 1 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

This is one of the six required CERT Training classes. Participants must attend all six classes to receive a certification.

Seats are filling up fast, so make sure to sign up now! Click the “Sign Up” button below!

Please email trainingcoord@BeReadyAlliance.org or call (850) 739-3977 for any inquiries or questions.

Want to find out more about the Community Emergency Response Team? Click here!

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CERT Training - Class 4 of 6

CERT Training - Class 4 of 6

Fire Safety and Utilities & Disaster Psychology

Join the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in Escambia County.  Mark your Calendars for a FREE CERT Training on January 30 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

This is one of the six required CERT Training classes. Participants must attend all six classes to receive a certification.

Seats are filling up fast, so make sure to sign up now! Click the “Sign Up” button below!

Please email trainingcoord@BeReadyAlliance.org or call (850) 739-3977 for any inquiries or questions.

Want to find out more about the Community Emergency Response Team? Click here!

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CERT Training - Class 3 of 6

CERT Training - Class 3 of 6

Medical Hand-On

Join the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in Escambia County.  Mark your Calendars for a FREE CERT Training on January 27 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

This is one of the six required CERT Training classes. Participants must attend all six classes to receive a certification.

Seats are filling up fast, so make sure to sign up now! Click the “Sign Up” button below!

Please email trainingcoord@BeReadyAlliance.org or call (850) 739-3977 for any inquiries or questions.

Want to find out more about the Community Emergency Response Team? Click here!

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CERT Training - Class 2 of 6

CERT Training - Class 2 of 6

Disaster Medical Operations

Join the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in Escambia County.  Mark your Calendars for a FREE CERT Training on January 25 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

This is one of the six required CERT Training classes. Participants must attend all six classes to receive a certification.

Seats are filling up fast, so make sure to sign up now! Click the “Sign Up” button below!

Please email trainingcoord@BeReadyAlliance.org or call (850) 739-3977 for any inquiries or questions.

Want to find out more about the Community Emergency Response Team? Click here!

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CERT Training - Class 1 of 6

CERT Training - Class 1 of 6

Disaster Preparedness & CERT Organization

Join the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in Escambia County.  Mark your Calendars for a FREE CERT Training on January 23 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

This is one of the six required CERT Training classes. Participants must attend all six classes to receive a certification.

Seats are filling up fast, so make sure to sign up now! Click the “Sign Up” button below!

Please email trainingcoord@BeReadyAlliance.org or call (850) 739-3977 for any inquiries or questions.

Want to find out more about the Community Emergency Response Team? Click here!

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Neighborhood Preparedness Workshop

Attend our complimentary disaster response training workshops that cover topics such as lifesaving first aid techniques, neighborhood damage assessment procedures, readiness for homeowners and renter’s insurance policies, and other essential aspects related to whole community preparedness.

Our FREE Neighborhood Preparedness Workshops will be hand-on and last approximately 2 & 1/2 hours.

Topics will include:

  • Key Speaker Kat Greer of Legal Services of North Florida will be discussing:

    • How your family can be ready and take productive actions before, during, and after a disaster.

    • Legal knowledge needed and how to communicate to everyone affected.

    • Get Connected and Get help!

If this sounds like something that you or others would be interested in, please sign up by clicking the “Sign Up Now!” button.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Esther Barnes at citizencoord@bereadyalliance.org or call (850) 739-3977.

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