Become a Volunteer
Volunteers are the backbone of BRACE. We lean on your efforts to support us and make a positive impact on our community. We need community leaders like YOU!
People in all ages and stages of life can make a difference in our community. We need people like YOU, with a variety of strengths and skills, to make a positive impact in Escambia County, FL. Volunteering at BRACE can provide young adults with job skills, relocating veterans with local community exposure and those who have retired from day-to-day work with a renewed sense of purpose and connection in our community.
We have several different levels of work to be done: Community Emergency Response Team member who receives training in disaster response skills; or a Fire Corps member who provide Pensacola firefighters and other emergency personnel with immediate medical attention.
EVERYONE can make a difference in disaster preparedness.
If any of these volunteer opportunities sound like a fit for you, please click the respective button above and fill out the form. If you would like more information about our programs, please view our “Programs” section. After completion of the selected form, you will be contacted by our Volunteer Coordinator. BRACE thanks you for your interests in serving the community.
Volunteer Highlights
Volunteer Liability Forms
If you have been contacted and approved to volunteer with us, please print and fill out the respective forms prior to your volunteer engagement.