Escambia County Emergency Management Support
BRACE works in tandem with Escambia County Office of Emergency Management to lead ESF (Emergency Support Function) 15 – Volunteers and Donations.
The mission of ESF 15 is to coordinate the efficient and effective utilization of volunteers and donated resources and information necessary to meet the needs of Escambia County following a disaster or other incident of significance.
As lead of ESF-15, BRACE could be called upon by the State of Florida Department of Emergency Management to assist other counties with their ESF-15 needs & efforts.
BRACE also supports:
ESF 6 - Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, & Human Services
ESF 13 - Military Support
ESF 18 - Business & Industry

“BRACE has been a valuable partner in assisting our citizens with preparedness, long-term recovery and a host of other services since its inception. Emergency Management is looking forward to the continued collaboration, and we look forward to working with Dr. Jackson as he enters his new role serving Escambia County.”
— Travis Tompkins, Emergency Manager