Retired UWF Professor, Mathews named CERT Volunteer of the Year
We always hear about our first responders to go wherever duty calls immediately after a disaster. But, there are also countless unsung citizen volunteers who are a huge support to those responders and the community. One local Angel has just been recognized for recruiting and training an army to be at the ready to respond in a time of need.
"You do what is needed; do the greatest good for the greatest number," Dr. Sam Mathews, Community Emergency Response Team Lead said. "So, if that means I'm a team lead, I'm a team lead. If that means I'm fetching water, I'm fetching water."
That's the unassuming, humble spirit of a man who actually is the team lead for the Escambia County CERT, Community Emergency Response Team. CERT is a national program that trains individuals in basic disaster response skills. For the past five years, retired UWF instructor, Sam Mathews has committed himself to training as many citizen volunteers as possible to be ready to mobilize wherever Emergency Management needs them during and after a disaster. Sam's first encounter with a Community Emergency Response Team was after Hurricane Katrina. His wife's company had employees whose lives were shattered by the storm.
"We're looking for volunteers to go muck out some houses for these employees," Mathews said. "So, she put together a small team and went over there and cleaned out a guy's house. And I said, you know, this is amazing work to be done.
It would be 13 years later that Sam Mathews would find himself involved in CERT back home through the BRACE organization, Be Ready Alliance Coordinating For Emergencies. He took courses and studied the best practices. He readily signed on and learned the ropes. Starting as a member, he quickly advanced to the roles of instructor and team lead. He knew the value of bringing the right help to those in need.
"So, we got training," Mathews said. "Now we know how to do some things. We know what not to do as much as what to do. And I can't think of a better way to use my retirement."
Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, major accidents -- natural or man-made; when disaster strikes, Escambia County's Emergency Management has been able to rely on this partnership.
"They're affiliated volunteers and they're highly trained volunteers," Travis Tompkins, Escambia County Emergency Manager said. "So, those CERT team members, they fill a valuable role. They help us with traffic. They help us with damage assessment. They help us in all kinds of... and they're always ready to help. They're always ready to jump in and lend a hand when we need them."
Sam says it's the smallest things they do that bring the huge rewards.
"When you hand out a quart of Clorox to somebody at a point of distribution and they almost come to tears thank you for a quart of Clorox," Mathews said. "There's not a just handing out water or a just handing out a tarp; it's making somebody's day better."
Recently, a call came the from the state CERT office announcing that the statewide CERT volunteer of the year was from Escambia County; none other than Sam Mathews. CERT Program Manager Robin Bridges says, no surprise there.
"Not at all. Sam is absolutely deserving," Bridges said. "He puts 100 percent of his heart into each and every thing that he does. He completely believes in the Community Response Team. He believes in the value of it."